This thee-MOC packaged set aligned to Microsoft 365 Exam: Messaging Administrator, Part 1 contains courseware that helps prepare students for Exams MS-200. Passing this exam is required to earn the Microsoft 365 certification.
This course provides foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model, with a specific focus on Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. You will begin by learning about cloud fundamentals, including an overview of cloud computing and specifically Microsoft cloud services.
In this course you will learn how Microsoft Exchange Server provides access to user mailboxes for many different clients. Because all messaging clients access Exchange Server mailboxes through client access services, we will examine how to plan, configure, and manage client access services in Exchange Server.
In this course you’ll learn about the traditional and modern solutions for messaging high availability and disaster recovery. Messaging systems have become increasingly complex, given the abundance of new features that have been added the last few years, as well as the increased importance placed on availability and disaster recovery.
This two-MOC packaged set aligned to Microsoft 365 Exam: Messaging Administrator, Part 2 contains courseware that helps prepare students for Exams MS-201. Passing this exam is required to earn the Microsoft 365 certification.
This course introduces you to the world of hybrid messaging. Students will learn how to deploy a hybrid environment for your Exchange organization and how to migrate mailboxes to Exchange Online. Students will begin by examining available mailbox migration options, and then focus on planning for a hybrid deployment. Finally, students will learn how to implement and troubleshoot a hybrid deployment.
In this course students will learn about the different messaging-related security and compliance service configurations and settings with Exchange Server and Exchange Online. Students will begin by examining the fundamentals of message hygiene with Exchange Online Protection and Exchange Advanced Threat Protection, as well as connection and spam filtering with Exchange.
This 5-day course teaches IT professionals how to administer and support Exchange Server 2016. Students will learn how to install Exchange Server 2016, and how to configure and manage an Exchange Server environment. The course covers how to manage mail recipients and public folders, including how to perform bulk operations using Exchange Management Shell.
This course provides experienced Exchange Server administrators with the knowledge to design and implement an Exchange Server 2016 messaging environment. Students will learn how to design and configure advanced components in an Exchange Server 2016 deployment such as site resiliency, advanced security, compliance, archiving, and discovery solutions.
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to plan, deploy, manage, secure, and support Microsoft Exchange Server 2013. This course will teach you how to configure Exchange Server 2013 and supply you with the information you will need to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot Exchange Server 2013.
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 messaging environment. This course will teach you how to configure Exchange Server 2013, and it will provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help you optimize your Exchange Server deployment.
In this course students will learn about the different messaging-related security and compliance service configurations and settings with Exchange Server and Exchange Online. Students will begin by examining the fundamentals of message hygiene with Exchange Online Protection and Exchange Advanced Threat Protection, as well as connection and spam filtering with Exchange.
Messaging-Administratoren sind für die Verwaltung der Hygiene, der Messaging-Infrastruktur, der Hybrid-Konfiguration, der Migration, des Transports, der Postfächer und des Client-Zugriffs verantwortlich. Messaging-Administratoren arbeiten mit dem Sicherheitsadministrator und dem Microsoft 365 Enterprise-Administrator zusammen, um eine sichere hybride oder reine Cloud-Topologie zu implementieren, die den Geschäftsanforderungen eines Unternehmens entspricht.