This course is an introduction to the Microsoft Office 365 with Skype for Business in a cloud-based environment. It can be used as an orientation to the full suite of Office 365 cloud-based tools, or the Skype for Business lessons can be presented separately in a seminar-length presentation with the remaining material available for later student reference.
In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer die Neuerungen von Office 365 / 2019 / 2021 kennen. Anhand von Übungen werden sie mit der neuen Oberfläche und den neuen Funktionen vertraut gemacht, um eine höhere Effizienz bei der täglichen Arbeit mit Office 365 / 2019 / 2021 erlangen.
This course delivers an instructor-led product showcase for Microsoft Flow from start to finish in an engaging and practical way. Flow is a diverse product, turning business processes into automated, consistent and visual workflows. Flow is designed to interweave the various products in Office 365 as well as connect to other on-premises and web-based solutions. This course will give you the confidence to select the right actions and workflow logic for your business workflows.
Microsoft PowerAutomate (bisher Flow) bietet Automatisierungs-Lösungen, durch die externe Dienste und Prozesse in SharePoint oder Office 365 effizient eingebunden und automatisiert werden können. Dazu sind keine eigenen Programmierkenntnisse nötig, die Arbeit geschieht in Templates und per Drag & Drop. In diesem Training lernen Sie die Funktionen, Anwendungen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Microsoft PowerAutomate kennen.
Students will be taught how to design, test and publish new apps that work with a variety of data sources. We will take users through a selection of well-crafted lessons to help them build new applications for their business.
Students will be taught how to design, test and publish new apps that work with a variety of data sources. We will take users through a selection of well-crafted lessons to help them build new applications for their business.