Goal Orientated Thinking
Effective leadership without defined goals and objectives is impossible. As a successful leader you have to make it clear to your staff what are the common goal of your organisation.
You need a strategy to achieve your goals. A clear and comprehensive strategy will prevent the team getting carried away with unimportant details and help them focus on the main objective.
Centre of the Network
Strong leaders are at the centre of organisations. They are capable of interacting with a full circle of people, from staff to stakeholders. This interaction allows you to identify needs and recognise opportunities.
Successful leaders understand the art of influence. They know who to influence and how. Learning about different influence techniques to use on a verity of people will not only increase your authority but also increase the chance of success.
Motivation and Questioning Techniques
Motivation increases enthusiasm, positive energy and productivity. By understanding your team’s vision you learn to motivate them effectively. Using the right questioning techniques will also help you in reaching to the bottom of problems and encourage efficient problem solving.
Developing People
As a strong leader you need to understand your people’s perspective, their abilities and vision in order to bring the best out of them. Don’t forget that as a successful leader you are a role model and should live up to it.
Leadership Styles
Some leaders have one leadership style which works in some situations but not in others. Effective leaders however understand the value of pragmatism and develop different styles of leadership suitable for changing environments. You will learn about different styles of leadership and what style to use in different situations and with different people.
Effective delegation not only gives a leader more time to deal with more important issues, it also increases team’s confidence in their abilities. Learn the rules of effective delegation.
Creative Thinking
You will learn how to brainstorm, inspire your team to become more creative, encourage contribution and how to capture ideas and information.
Risk and Opportunity Management
As a leader you need to identify risks promptly in order to deal with them effectively and to prevent any future problems. Recognising opportunities on time will allow you to take advantage of situations successfully.
Action Plan
At the end of this course you will create an action plan which will improve your leadership skills.