Learn how to Describe DNS and IP strategies for VNETs in Azure, compare connectivity options for ad-hoc and hybrid connectivity, distribute network traffic across multiple loads using load balancers, and design a hybrid connectivity scenario between cloud and on-premise.
Learn how to deploy an ARM template to a resource group, author a complex deployment using the Azure Building Blocks tools, and integrate an API or Logic App with the API Management service.
Learn to Compare and contrast various database options on Azure, identify data streaming options for large-scale data ingest, and identify longer-term data storage options.
Learn how to manage security and identity within the context of Azure. Also, you’ll be introduced to multiple SaaS services available in Azure that for integration into existing Azure solutions.
In this course students will learn the design function of the Azure Solutions Architect job role.
Learn how to configure a message-based integration architecture, develop for asynchronous processing, create apps for autoscaling, and better understand Azure Cognitive Services solutions.
This course teaches IT Professionals how to build Logic App solutions that integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations by automating tasks and business processes as workflows.
This course teaches IT professionals how operations are done in parallel and asynchronously. By using the Azure Application Architecture Guide and Azure reference architectures as a basis, you will understand how monitoring and telemetry are critical for gaining insight into the system.
This course teaches IT professionals how to discover, assess, plan and implement a migration of on-premises resources and infrastructure to Azure. Students will learn how to use Azure Migrate to perform the discovery and assessment phase that is critical to a successful migration. The course focuses primarily on using ASR on a Hyper-V infrastructure to prepare and complete the migration process.
This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure resources, including deployment and configuration of virtual machines, virtual networks, storage accounts, and Azure AD that includes implementing and managing hybrid identities.
In this course, students will learn the different technologies used in the Azure Architect job role.
In this course students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, maintain the security posture, and identify and remediate vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools. The course covers scripting and automation, virtualization, and cloud N-tier architecture.
In this course, students will design various data platform technologies into solutions that are in line with business and technical requirements. This can include on-premises, cloud, and hybrid data scenarios which incorporate relational, No-SQL or Data Warehouse data. Students will also learn how to design process architectures using a range of technologies for both streaming and batch data.
In this course, students will implement various data platform technologies into solutions that are in line with business and technical requirements including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid data scenarios incorporating both relational and No-SQL data. They will also learn how to process data using a range of technologies and languages for both streaming and batch data.
This six-MOC packaged set aligned to Azure Exam: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure contains courseware that helps prepare students for Exams AZ-203. Passing this exam is required to earn the Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification.
Gain the necessary knowledge about how to use Azure services to develop, train, and deploy, machine learning solutions. The course starts with an overview of Azure services that support data science. From there, it focuses on using Azure’s premier data science service, Azure Machine Learning service, to automate the data science pipeline.
This course teaches the concepts of Azure AI engineering by presenting, and developing, a scenario that creates a customer support Bot that utilizes various tools and services in the Azure AI landscape like language understanding, QnA Maker, and various Azure Cognitive Services to implement language detection, text analytics, and computer vision.
In diesem Seminar lernen die Teilnehmer Windows 10 als Betriebsystem und den Edge Browser kennen. Sie werden mit der neuen Oberfläche und neuen Funktionen vertraut gemacht und anhand von Übungen eine höhere Effizienz bei der täglichen Arbeit mit Windows 10 und dem Edge Browser erlangen.
This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, create and scale virtual machines, implement storage solutions, configure virtual networking, back up and share data, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement Azure Active Directory, secure identities, and monitor your solution.
This course will provide foundational level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The course can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and Microsoft Azure, before taking further Microsoft Azure or Microsoft cloud services courses.
Im Excel VBA Kurs für die Versionen 2013, 2016 oder 2019 lernen Sie die Programmiersprache VBA kennen und beherrschen. Mit VBA können Sie Excel automatisieren, sodass Sie immer wiederkehrende Abläufe innerhalb von Sekunden fehlerfrei mit nur einem Aufruf anstelle von mehreren Einzelanweisungen ausführen. Mit dieser Sprache können Sie mit Excel kommunizieren. Sie lernen unter anderem Variablen, Schleifen und Dialogfelder kennen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird der Fehlerbehandlung und Fehlervermeidung geschenkt.
Cloud Computing has grown from being just a buzzword to a serious business decision that many businesses are contemplating.
Die Teilnehmer lernen in diesem Training, wie sie sich und ihre Zeit besser planen und organisieren können. Sie lernen Methoden und Hilfsmittel kennen, um Ihren Arbeitsalltag einfacher zu gestalten.
Learn to collaborate seamlessly with Slack, the popular team messaging tool. Slack allows you to have conversations wherever you are: in a web browser, on a Mac or PC, or on the mobile app.
To make the best decision and determine the most efficient and effective course of action, an understanding of the current situation and innovative outlook are important.
Nach dem Kurs sind Sie in der Lage, digitale Notizbücher in OneNote zu erstellen. Sie kennen die wichtigsten Funktionen von OneNote sowie die Möglichkeiten, um jederzeit auf effiziente Weise auf Ihre Notizen zugreifen zu können.
Der Schwerpunkt des Trainings liegt auf dem Einsatz von InDesign in den Bereichen Broschüren- und Bucherstellung, Farbmanagement und spezielle Druckaufbereitungen.
Lernen Sie in diesem Training den effizienten Umgang mit InDesign, um professionelle Printdokumente zu gestalten. In praktischen Übungen lernen Sie, mit Schriften und Ebenen umzugehen und fehlerfreie Ausgaben für die Druckvorbereitung zu erzeugen.
Entwerfen Sie in dieser Schulung Bilder mit erweiterten Funktionen für die professionelle Fotoretusche und erfahren Sie, wie zahlreiche Kniffe Ihre Arbeit in Photoshop beschleunigen.
Dieses Seminar vermittelt den Teilnehmern einen Einstieg in die professionelle Bildbearbeitung mit Adobe Photoshop. Lernen Sie die Grundlagen der digitalen Bildbearbeitung kennen und erfahren Sie, wie Sie atemberaubende Bilder und professionelle Fotoretuschen entwerfen.