Managing Your Team’s Aspirations
- How to set effective goals for your team
- How to prepare for brainstorming sessions
- How to help your team to generate ideas so you can benefit from everyone’s inputs
Systematic Planning
- Why some managers are known to be too confusing or demanding? How can you avoid this?
- What is the 5-steps planning technique and how can it be used for problem solving, brainstorming and general planning?
- How can you use business planning guidelines to improve your leadership?
Giving a Speech
- How can you improve your public speaking and presentation skills?
- How can these strategies benefit you when addressing your team?
- What strategies help you improve the opening of your public talks, whether addressing your team, your clients or your stakeholders?
Crisis Management
- What is a crisis?
- What types of crisis exist and what are the qualities of each type?
- What do you need to consider when handling a crisis?
- What areas do you need to consider when planning for crisis management?
- What is a contingency plan?
- What is risk management?
- What are your options when responding to risks and how can you incorporate these into your contingency plan?
- How does critical decision making relate to crisis management?
Managing People
- How can you improve your communication skills with your team by putting yourself in their position?
- What strategies help you gather more information about difficult cases, before expressing your dissatisfaction or saying something that you could regret afterwards?
Forgiving People
- What are the benefits of forgiving people?
- How to use forgiveness to empower your team
- What stops you from forgiving others?
- What are wrong attitudes toward forgiveness and how can you change them?
- How to use the 6-steps forgiveness sequence when forgiving people?
Delegation Skills
- What are various levels of delegation and what can you delegate in each level?
- How to select a delegation level based on how much control you want to retain and how much time you want to save
- What strategies help you formulate your request when delegating a task to motivate the person?
- What strategies help you minimise disruption to other team members so you can manage your team effectively as a whole?