In diesem Training lernen die Teilnehmer, wie sie Zeit und Nerven sparend sich endlich zum Meister über ihr Postfach machen.
Die Teilnehmer lernen, wie sie eine Präsentation nicht nur technisch, sondern auch sich als Präsentator optimieren können. Körpersprache und Rhetorik sind ebenso Thema wie Planung und Hilfsmittel.
Dieses Training konzentriert sich darauf, unser Bewusstsein für Cybersicherheit zu schärfen und bewährte Methoden (Best Practices) für Einzelpersonen und Organisationen aller Grössen zu fokussieren.
Die Teilnehmer lernen in diesem Training, wie sie sich und ihre Zeit besser planen und organisieren können. Sie lernen Methoden und Hilfsmittel kennen, um Ihren Arbeitsalltag einfacher zu gestalten.
The course includes the latest thinking, principles and practices from the DevOps community including real-world case studies from high performing organizations including ING Bank, Ticketmaster, Capital One, Alaska Air, Target, Fannie Mae, Societe Generale, and Disney that engage and inspire learners, leveraging multimedia and interactive exercises that bring the learning experience to life, including the Three Ways as highlighted in the Phoenix Project by Gene Kim and the latest from the State of DevOps report. Learners will gain an understanding of DevOps, the cultural and professional movement that stresses communication, collaboration, integration, and automation to improve the flow of work between software developers and IT operations professionals. The course is designed for a broad audience, enabling those on the business side to obtain an understanding of Kubernetes and Containers. Those on the technical side will obtain an understanding as to the business value of DevOps to reduce cost (15-25% overall IT cost reduction) with increased quality (50-70% reduction in change failure rate) and agility (up to 90% reduction in provision and deployment time) to support business objectives in support of digital transformation initiatives.
In this course, students become familiar with the concepts of traditional project management and may have used the concepts to manage multiple projects. Students will use Agile project management.
Scrum Master Certified (SMC™) professionals have a practical, working knowledge of Scrum that equips them to implement and work in a Scrum environment. The purpose of the exam is to confirm the applicants have achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply Scrum in the projects and to tailor Scrum in a particular scenario. SMC™ professionals are facilitators who ensure that the Scrum Team is provided with an environment conducive to completing the project successfully. The Scrum Master guides, facilitates and teaches Scrum practices to everyone involved in the project, clears impediments for the team, and ensures that Scrum processes are being followed. Successful candidates will be awarded the Scrum Master Certified (SMC™) certification by SCRUMstudy after passing the included certification exam.
Root Cause Analysis is a set of methodologies within the field of quality management and quality control. Over the years, with the increasing complexity of systems, processes and manufacturing there has come a need for staff to be able to efficiently analyse problems and find key faults in a given system. Root Cause Analysis or RCA provides a set of tools that facilitate this process.
Successfully managing a project requires effective planning and adherence to the industry’s best practices in every step of the process. By understanding the fundamentals of project management, you will be better prepared to initiate a project in your organization and position it for success. In this course, you will identify effective project management practices and their related processes. NOTE: This course will earn you 7 PDUs.
The accelerated Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program and methodology allows students to complete certification requirements faster than traditional Six Sigma and Lean training programs
This course is intended for individuals who want to grow in their ability to coach employees to higher performance.
Von Analog zu Digital
Die technischen Aspekte
Der (virtuelle) Lehrer
Davor – Während – Danach
Mögliche Sorgen
Wie Sie mit Problemen umgehen
Ausgangspunkt für eine gute Kundenbeziehung ist eine erfolgreiche Gesprächsführung, Basis für gelungene Kommunikation eine positive Grundeinstellung. In diesem Kurs trainieren Sie, wie Sie professionelle Freundlichkeit und kundenorientierte Kommunikation leben, dem Kunden gegenüber authentisch und engagiert auftreten und eine lösungsorientierte Gesprächsführung auch im Umgang mit schwierigen Kunden finden.
Unternehmen sind in zunehmendem Masse von der Unterstützung der IT hinsichtlich geschäftskritischer Prozesse abhängig – vor allem bei der Kundenkommunikation. Dabei stellen die Applikationen bezüglich Hochverfügbarkeit und Effizienz immer höhere Anforderungen an die Rechenzentren. In der Realität weisen viele Rechenzentren in puncto Kapazität, Sicherheit oder Effizienz jedoch erhebliche Defizite auf. Gleichzeitig üben die ständig wechselnden Technologien immer stärkeren Druck auf die RZ-Verantwortlichen und RZ-Mitarbeiter aus, und die Umsetzung von Änderungen und Neuerungen muss immer schneller realisiert werden.
In diesem Kurs setzen sich die Teilnehmer mit den Schlüsselkomponenten eines Rechenzentrums auseinander, um die Wechselwirkungen der Gewerke bzw. die Komplexität eines Rechenzentrums zu verstehen. Die Teilnehmer erwerben ergänzendes Know-how im Umgang mit den wichtigsten Bereichen wie z.B. Energieversorgung, Kühlung, Verkabelung, Licht und Brandschutz für ihre Tätigkeiten in einem Hochverfügbarkeitsrechenzentrum der Zukunft.
The Certified Data Centre Specialist is a three-day course designed to bring participants to the level of a suitable sparring partner with suppliers. They will be able to verify offers provided by vendors for correctness, effectiveness and efficiency. CDCS is a must-have certification for professional data centre managers and personnel. CDCS is a pre-requisite for individuals wishing to achieve the elite CDCE (Certified Data Centre Expert) status.
This course focuses on transforming a group of people to a team of motivated individuals who work smoothly towards a common goal. Delegates are introduced to the concept of Team Roles and explore different ways of recognising and establishing their roles within the team. This knowledge enables team workers to manage their roles and responsibilities in the team and avoid gaps or overlaps in roles.
This course is designed to cover such areas and help managers stay in control of their team. Many times, awareness of an effect is enough to help a leader make the right decisions when managing a team. As a result we have included many engaging stories and case studies to help leaders learn about various management effects and also help them remember the guidelines.
Coaching skills is not only limited to managers, it is a skill applicable to everyone in any setting. These skills can be used to connect with others and to inspire, motivate and guide them in overcoming their problems and getting results. This course allows you to understand more about human psychology and learn how to ask the right questions and correctly share your opinion with others.
Effective leaders have acquired a set of skills and developed behaviours that set them apart from others. Successful leaders inspire and motivate people. They have the ability to create a vision and transfer it to those around them. They encourage hope, positivity, ambition and compassion. They are good communicators; know about planning and more importantly they can manage people. While all good managers are not leaders, all successful leaders certainly know how to manage people.
This course offers effective skills and practical solutions for successful leadership. Detailed course materials, exercises and a comprehensive action plan at the end of the course will maximise your learning and allows you to take full advantage of these newly acquired skills once back at work.
Getting the most from people and organisations requires strong leadership skills. As products and services become more complex and the role of knowledge workers becomes more critical in the success of an organisation, it is essential to know how to lead and how to motivate.
Great leaders are known for their strong vision, the care they offer for their team, sheer passion for their cause and the tremendous support they provide to help people grow and become better at what they do.
This course covers a variety of topics on leadership and communication skills. It is ideal for those who have had some experience in managing or supervising people and want to improve their skills further.